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The Children of San Quentin

©Photographs by Ron Greene


I wasn't sure what it would be like working with these kids when I first began taking their photographs. Children of San Quentin State Prison inmates -- wouldn't they be miniature gangsters?

Would I have to guard my cameras and my pockets with my life? Would I be facing a group of surly, hostile kids, running wild through the building?

Child 6


See the eyes of these children and know how wrong I was.

Child 7



The articles I've read say that these children are at extreme risk. I don't doubt this, but those I've met so far are wonderful children, friendly, unspoiled, full of joy and hope.

It they're facing a rough future, maybe there's still time.

Child 8



Seeing the love and care lavished on these kids while they're at The House, and watching their responses, I've come away with a sense that it isn't too late to help the thousands of children of prison inmates throughout the United States.

Child 9



How do you respond to these photographs?

Would you like to help?

The House at San Quentin can be reached at (415) 456-4200.

These photographs are part of a series intended to increase public awareness of the challenges facing the children of inmates.

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Ron Greene copyright 1997-1998. You can contact me in Greenbrae California at (415) 461-1552 or by e-mail at
Revised: 14-Mar-98